Employer Retirement Services

Our CEFEX-certified team provides you with advice and guidance so that you and your employees' retirement years are secure and comfortable. We recognize that many individuals rely on their employers' retirement plans to provide for their future. As such, we work closely with employers to design and implement retirement plans that meet the needs of both the employer and their employees. Some examples of those plans include 401(k), 403(b), SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, and cash balance plans. Our team of advisors will work with you to understand your company's goals and objectives and tailor a plan that meets those needs.


Employer Retirement Plans | WebsterRogers Financial Advisors

Our services include:

  • Plan Design: We will work with you to design a retirement plan that meets your company's specific goals and objectives. We will take into consideration factors such as employee demographics, company size, and budget.
  • Investment Selection: Our team will help you choose investment options for your retirement plan. We have access to a wide range of investment vehicles and will work with you to select the most appropriate ones for your employees.
  • Employee Education: We believe that education is key to a successful retirement plan. We will work with your employees to educate them on the importance of retirement planning, investment strategies, and other relevant topics.
  • Fiduciary Services: As fiduciaries, we are legally obligated to act in the best interests of our clients. We will provide ongoing support and advice to ensure that your retirement plan remains compliant with all regulatory requirements.


We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and support. Our Employer Sponsored Retirement services are designed to help employers offer a competitive retirement plan that helps recruit and retain key employees. Contact us today to learn more about our services.